Current Executive Committee Members
- Chair - Dave Ulibarri -
- Vice Chair - Andrew Christensen -
- Secretary - Scott DaBell -
- Information Coordinator - Derrick Valerio -
- Utah County Emergency Manager - Lt. Peter Quittner -
The current Executive Committee positions of Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary will expire on December 31, 2026. Going forward the term of officers shall be for a period of two years, following guidelines set forth in the bylaws. The Information Coordinator will be appointed by the Utah County Emergency Manager with approval from the Executive Committee. Elections for the Chair and Secretary will be held in July every even year, with their term starting January 1st of the following calendar year. Elections for the Vice- Chair will be held in July every odd year, with their term starting January 1st of the following calendar year. Active members (having attended two meetings in the previous 12 months) may be nominated to serve on the Executive Committee. Active members in attendance at the July meeting will be eligible to vote.