What We Do
Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPC) are community-based organizations that assist in preparing for emergencies. Under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know-Act (EPCRA), LEPC’s must develop an emergency response plan, review the plan annually, and provide information about chemicals in the community to the citizens.
Our Purpose
The primary purpose of this LEPC is to carry out the LEPC responsibilities required by the Emergency Planning and Community Right‐to‐Know Act (EPCRA) for the Utah County area.
The Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) of 1986 was created to help communities plan for chemical emergencies. It also requires industry to report on the storage, use and releases of hazardous substances to federal, state, and local governments. EPCRA requires state and local governments, and Indian tribes to use this information to prepare for and protect their communities from potential risks.
- Chair - Dave Ulibarri - dulibarri@eaglemountain.gov
- Vice Chair - Andrew Christensen - andrew_christensen@byu.edu
- Secretary - Scott DaBell - sdabell@lehi-ut.gov
- Information Coordinator - Derrick Valerio - derrickv@utahcounty.gov
- Utah County Emergency Manager - Lt. Peter Quittner - peterq@utahcounty.gov
LEPC generally meets on the 3rd Thursday of the month, every other month. Meetings are open to the public and oriented toward private sector businesses with hazmat materials on site.
LEPC meets 6 times a year. Please check the calendar for current meeting information: